Smart fishing
How might we data combine with the latest ‘angling technology’ to provide memorable smart fishing experiences in Limfjorden? Presented...
Discover and return for more…
How might data help us inspire conference visitors on only a short stay in Aalborg, to discover experiences and great activities in the...
Comprehensive primi-deluxe adventures
How can open data be used to develop a service that combines wild nature with luxurious experiences? Presented by: Municipality of...
Extended active family time
How to draw upon open data to help improve the experience of the active family while they visit Løkken and Blokhus: Convincing them to...
Eat like a local
How do we use open data to create and promote a new Nordic food experience in the North of Denmark – nudging foodies alike to seek out...
Follow the trail to hidden treasures
How might open data help deliver a more comprehensive experience for visiting tourists of the Panorama-route while providing long term...